The reintroduction of training habits in RESET must be done gradually, respecting the individual physically, mentally and emotionally. You don’t need to have a lot of equipment to train with the training methods I use: most of them are done with the action of gravity on your body and eventually with the help of bands and dumbbells.Special attention will be given to flexibility through various stretching techniques, finding your breath, reactivating the abdominal belt.
The liver’s main role is to filter the blood: it cleans red blood cells, eliminates waste and helps us digest fats. The liver is also responsible for capturing toxins that enter our body when we eat, smoke or take medication.
Cleansing the liver (we also say draining the liver) helps it in its elimination function but it also gives it a little boost to store the vitamins (A, D, K, E) that our body needs.
Different measures are to be taken in order to clean it here is a list that I created with the help of a micro-nutritionist.
- Reduce your alcohol consumption for the first 4 Weeks.
if you feel like drinking every day lately, I recommend a period of total abstinence. - Eat only fresh products. Cooked veggies. No junk food, no frozen food, no processed food.
- Eat good fats like olive oil, grape seed oil, coconut oil. Avoid animal fats, dairy products (cheese, yogurt, ice cream, cow’s milk, butter).
- Take a little help to detoxify; I recommend this product
- Drink 8 glasses of lukewarm water with lemon juice squeezed in.With a total of 6 to 8 Cups of water a day.
- Eat as a priority bitter salad like arugula, dandelion greens, and spinach. Peeled potatoes and sweet potatoes should also be eaten with more regularity.
- Reduce or even stop smoking.
Once the digestive process is complete, the food residues end up in our intestine, which is responsible for eliminating them. Unfortunately, many people suffer from intestinal irregularities that allow these residues to stagnate in the intestine. This leads to a phenomenon of putrefaction and intoxication that is not very desirable.
For several years now, the effectiveness of psyllium fibers in facilitating the intestinal transit of these residues has been recognized by many health professionals. These non-irritating fibers help to eliminate constipation and clean the intestine thoroughly. In addition, psyllium provides a daily intake of fiber that few other foods can offer.
The kidneys are vital emunctorial organs; they eliminate many of the toxins circulating in the body, which could otherwise become very harmful to health.
For Step 2 and Step 3 I recommend this product in Powder version
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This document does not provide medical advice. The goal of this document is to share my own personal experiences and information as I seek to use nutrition and exercising to improve my health. By using this document, you signify your assent to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to all of these Terms and Conditions of use, do not use this document.
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